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Touring Motor Gliders Association (TMGA)

How to import a new all electric self launching glider from Germany????

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I have been following this airplane for many years(2014) which was built and is still managed by very competent glider designers and manufacturers.


They are just now poised and touring shows to start selling their all electric two-seater glider trainer, so it is a legitimate all electric glider that also just received certification in Germany which is where they are located. I am seriously considering purchasing one of these which they have indicated that they would sell me, however, they do not have a dealer here in the US. Does this mean that I can still buy it and have it shipped here in the US and then proceed to have it certified as a glider, self launching motorglider?, Experimental glider ?, Experimental exhibition? (I know a lot of planes come shipped into the US that way.... (Pipestrel motorgliders). I know that the FAA has a complicated formula L/D etc. that has to be met in order to pass the motorglider criteria which I am sure this one will.   https://www.elektra-solar.com/   is it that simple or am I grossly missing something?   : )   If I am able to do this with is the best way to have it certified?  I was thinking experimental exhibition.
    Also.... I need to get my glider's license. Would I be able to use this glider to get my license with?  
Also, if you know someone that you can point me to that could help me that would be wonderful.... Thank you guys!

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