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Earlier this month Jim and I flew my new Phoenix (N33GF) from MLB to PTW just outside Philadelphia. Does anyone have any experience with companies that make durable covers for the Phoenix? I know Eric made his own but I am wondering about other pilot's experiences with commercially available covers. George Feldman
Hi All, I'm hoping that you can help me solve the following issue. Two days ago at 10:00am on a 35 mile flight in my Phoenix the Rotax produced >5000rpm on before roll started on takeoff. On my return flight I noticed a max rpm of 4800rpm even after leveling off. I thought the density altitude could explain the difference as it was about 10 degrees warmer on my return flight. Yesterday I did a static runup on the ground in cooler air and found max rpm to be 4700-4800 rpm. There was the expected mag drop and increase when each mag was tested separately at 3000rpm. I plan to check for possible fuel contamination. Do you guys have any other thoughts? Thanks George Feldman N33GF
Hello dear Phoenix owners and friends! Some of you may know me, however I would like to introduce myself - my name is Martin Stepanek (Phoenix Air Czech Republic). And I thing that all of you know our UL/LSA-Glider U-15 Phoenix :-) I am flying with the prototype (01/U15) and with electric version of PhoEnix (01/D14). I know, that producer should not praise its own product, but I still have to say that I enjoy every second when I am in the air with Phoenix. Phoenix Air never had easy life and beginning of year 2016 brought changes and news - again. Negative on this situation is, that due to many things to think about I can´t sleep so well - but positive is, that I have time to be here :-) Before I was active in Forum Homebuiltairplanes - mostly about electric e-Gliding. But yesterday I found this great place = for me is much better to stay in touch with you :-) What is my idea about this thread? 1) perfect product doesn´t exists - I will be glad to know about problems you may have with your Phoenix. 2) I would like to know your opinion about our development ideas. 3) I would like to infom you what is going here in "wild east" :-) And one more little thing.... My native langauge is Czech. Due to some years in Colombia I speak also Spanish, due to primary school I understand Russian and thanks to aviation I can speak English. But because I never studied English "professionally" I still have to learn a lot about English grammar. If I don´t know how to say/write something I simply use Google translator. So... sorry if will my answer look time to time like written by robot :-) (and I still don´t understand where to use correctly "the" or "an" etc....) Best regards! Martin
Version 1.0.0
Flight Training Supplement -- U15 Phoenix S-LSA Glider The document is provided to supplement the information provided in the Aircraft Operating Information Handbook (AOI) but does not replace it. Every pilot has to understand the limitations and specifications of this light sport glider. -